Our Team
The aim is for the care team at Pentree Lodge to be trained to a NVQ or Diploma level 2 or 3 in Health and Social Care. Staff also receive a wide variety of training in legislative areas such as food hygiene, health and safety, safeguarding and first aid, however we also offer a range of training tailored towards our residents and their needs. Such training includes, medication management, end of life care, diabetes awareness and mental capacity.
Care staff work a variety of hours each week on a regular rolling rota. The home does not use agency staff as it recognises the benefits of a familiar and consistent staffing team.
During the day the home is staffed by a minimum of two care workers, one member of night staff is provided in the event of assistance being needed during the night.
In addition to this during the week, at least one member of the management team is available within the home, along with a member of management available on an on-call basis. In addition to this, we have dedicated staff who work to provide admin support, maintenance, domestic duties, activities and one to one care.