
Pentree Lodge care home

A care home for individuals with a diagnosed mental health condition based in Newquay, Cornwall

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Our care, facilities and services

Emotional support

One to one support


Experienced skilled staff


At Pentree Lodge we care for residents with a variety of differing mental health conditions

Alongside individuals who may have borderline learning disabilities or multiple conditions. The home can also accommodate individuals from hospital, who may require care in order to facilitate back to community living. We have a small team of skilled staff who provide a safe environment to live in, while giving support in rebuilding skills to increase confidence for independent living.

  • Three meals, plus snacks and drinks daily
  • 24-hour support
  • Emotional Support
  • Specialised Care
  • Recreation
  • Occupational and therapeutic activities
  • Rehabilitation
  • Financial support
  • Social and Basic Living Skills support
  • Advocacy
  • Support with appointments
  • Assistance with personal care
  • Basic hair cut (blow dry, trims etc.)
  • Stability and security in everyday living
  • 1-1 support
  • A varied activities programme


I love everyone here and I feel comfortable and sleep well” Mr Y – Resident

Staff and management have a good multi-agency working relationship. Enquiries are being dealt with efficiently and in a very helpful manner

Enjoy my time here and get lots of feedback from staff who are always very professional” Anonymous feedback from a residents family member